We are happy to announce a central contact point for SASAA. As from today simply call the new number 13 000 SASAA (13 000 72722) and follow the prompts.
Personal & Security Alert Devices
From : Victoria Police, Private Security Newsletter, August 2010 Victoria Police advise personal medical and security alert devices that are pre-programmed to call 000 in the event of and emergency …
Election Special
Here is something neither Julia or Tony will give you!!. Have your new alarm supplied and installed by SASAA and get your first 3 months of monitoring free*. We have …
End of financial year is near
Time to upgrade that old alarm or CCTV system.. *Blurred Images ? *False alarms ? *Not receiving the attetntion you deserve ? Call SASAA (03)9725-5993 or 0419 003 702 and …
CCTV system special offer!
CCTV system ideal for small business and retails stores. The kit includes 1 x 4 Channel DVR with remote viewing capability. 4 x Hi resolution IR vandal resistant dome cameras …
VIDMIC in Action
“I was using it the other night when I had to draw my taser at a domestic violence incident. A male person came out of a bedroom armed with a …
New VIDMIC Software arrives….
After some time, we are pleased to announce the arrival of new VIDMIC software. The bugs from previous versions have been ironed out and all looks good. Contact us for …
Pay your accounts by credit card!
SASAA is pleased to announce you can now pay your accounts by credit card. You can set up automatic payments so your monitoring account is paid automatically each month. Simply …
Will your security work while you holiday?
Holidays are fast approaching. Is your alarm sytem ready for them? Do you have a functional alarm system installed? Contact us for an obligation free assessment. We can customise a …
For all new customers, have a new monitored alarm system installed between now and 31st August and receive an additional PIR or Smoke Detector added to your package FREE of …